Many people search for jobs virtually almost every minute or day. With the rise in global unemployment, the trend has become a daily activity in the lives of every job seeker. The task does easy on face value is more daunting than can ever be imagined. As much as people continue to search for jobs, the greater the turn over. Per OVEC the highest employment turn over as of June 2010, was 1,247. The figures look scary and could almost throw off any would be job applicant.

What the new job seeker has to realize is that in this high competitive market, one must stand out from the various trends and must also be technical in order to land that dream

job. Here, I present 5 rules that would ensure that a successful job search is realized.


this is the first step every job seeker should take. Your CV and Resume talks much about you; presenting your skills and abilities to your prospective employer. Also, the cover letter briefly spell out your competencies for the desired job you are applying for. Whether you are looking to change a job or career, or you are a new entrant, preparing your CV, resume and cover letter to suit the type of job or career change is very important. The mistake most people make is presenting one resume or Cv to almost three or more job applications. Some even go as far as presenting similar cover letters for more jobs. This is a serious error and must be done away with if you are looking to land your dream job.

It is imperative that all your particulars are curved to suit the exact position or job you are applying for. For instance when applying for a teaching job, your cover letter, CV or resume should be curved to suit the teaching position you are applying for. In cases where you are not sure of how to present your particulars or update your particulars, there are several companies online that are specialized in writing such documents. One I have used at all times for various reasons is mybestresumes.com, but there are equally good once out there who can assist you to curve your documents to suit the exact position you are applying for.


Whether most agree or not social media has become a giant industry with millions of opportunities for job seekers and career changers. Almost everyone has a social media account and businesses and organizations are not left out. What more, top executives and business gurus also have social media accounts. What is the catch? Well with these people using social media, the chances of selling yourself to them is very high and not in a formal way. With the right approach, you can create a relationship with a top executive who would most likely employ you. Though several of these platforms exist, I would talk on only two which are my personal favorites; LINKEDIN and PINTEREST.

LinkedIn is a platform which provides you with several opportunities to link up with top business executives and professionals. You get to create connections and present your profile which when done well will attract the right people to you. I have a rich experience in LinkedIn since it has served me well in diverse ways. To make it more interesting, you get to interrupt and update yourself with the latest trends in your career paths. I am a school administrator and I would confess that I have enriched myself by learning from other top administrators on LinkedIn. I have received job offers countless times and still continue to do.

When used properly, LinkedIn in a powerful tool that can make your job search more fruitful. The catch is in your profile which is what everyone would see. So with a nicely done profile, which you can have written for you at fiverr.com or if you can, do it yourself to attract the right people to you.

Pinterest like the name presupposes is a platform where you share your interest with others. With over 25 million users, this platform is quickly gaining grounds and also becoming ever popular with business people as well. With a combination of these two platforms and a bit of professionalism you could well be on your way to landing a job.


Doing an internship is simply requesting to work in a particular organization as a temporal staff. This is a good strategy in your job search. You do not need to have a permanent job before you can call yourself employed. But in most cases, that is so. Many also detest being interns because they have never seen anything good out of it. The strategy here is to apply to an organization as an intern, put up your best performance, familiarize yourself with the day to day activities of the organization and create connections with the permanent employees as well.

This strategy has helped many people to land their dream jobs almost within a month or two. Remember the best attitude is a sales letter on its own.


Some people may call it referrals, networking or any other name but the point is everybody knows some body. We all have friends and our friends have also got friends. The essence here is to reach out to this network of friends, let them know your current state (there is no shame in this) and asked them to hook you up when a good opportunity comes up.

Calling on school alumni is also another good step. This opens your job search to a whole lot of people thereby improving your chances of finding your dream job. You can hook up with people by attending events which are career based.


Several career websites and job boards that exist for the job seeker. These sites serve as a platform where organizations post job openings. These sites are always updated with fresh job openings and daily visits there could give you a dream job.

To give you these jobs right in your home or mail, most of these websites offer job alerts as either mails or SMS. Simply subscribe to these services and you will be furnished with new job postings. Aside from this, some of the websites serve as recruitment sites or agencies. You submit your particulars to them, which is stored in their database. They in turn send out applications for you. The good thing about such sites is that they go the extra mile to ensure that you get a job. But the downside is that you will be charged for their effort. This could range from paying a monthly fee or they taking a percentage of your salary from your new job for a limited time such as five months or one year. The decision to use recruitment sites or agencies is wholly your choice to make after weighing the pros and cons.

PAY A VISIT       

This is a bold step but one worth taking. Paying a cursory visit to the organization of your choice is an important step but you should be always prepared for an interview when taking such visits. You must have your documents pertaining to the position you want or an open application letter. On your visit, show keen interest in the operations of the organization by asking intelligent questions. Who knows you might grab the attention of the manager.

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