Tips for A Winning Job Interview You Must Follow

By the quality of your resume and cover letter, you have managed to get a job interview from the one who may be your future employer.It is then necessary to organize the preparation of the interview so that it is a success.The better your preparation for this exercise, the better you will be able to convince the interviewer that you are the ideal OR PERHAPS suitable person for the position to be filled.

#1. Getting Ready
Going to a hiring interview without being prepared for it is the most obvious mistake to avoid, yet it is one among the frequent. People are putting a lot of effort into finding a job and writing their resume, says Patricia St-Pierre, director of Interview Consulting and it's like they have no energy after. Being well prepared is a crucial step: by neglecting it, we jeopardize our chances of winning the coveted job. We also take care to learn more about the company, and the job offered, and we think about the questions that might be asked.

#2. Listen carefully to the questions
To answer the questions correctly, we must first understand them! "Some candidates respond even before the question is finished," says Lucy Rodrigues, who is responsible for hiring interviews in a large company. It is a lack of respect! "Moreover, it is difficult to answer well in such a case. Is the question not well understood? We are asking that we rephrase it rather than give an answer that will not be relevant.

#3. Be positive
You must never speak ill of your former boss or maybe past employer, insists Patricia St-Pierre. Addressing the negative side of our work experiences or personality is never indicated during an interview. To project a good image of oneself, one insists on our qualities and our successes. We have to sell and convince the employer that he will make a good deal by committing us, not the opposite!

#4. Be Courteous and Reserved
One should never forget that an interview is above all a professional meeting. Therefore, we should not talk to her interviewer and still less behave with him as if he were our friend. As Lucy Rodrigues reminds us, it shows a lack of professionalism. We are courteous and pleasant. But talk about his personal life or tell jokes to relax the atmosphere? To avoid!

#5. Tell the Truth, Just the Truth!
Lying or embellishing reality can play us bad tricks. In her practice, Lucy Rodriguez often meets people who try to impress recruiters. Examples? Write in his CV that you hold a Bachelor's degree while you have not completed some courses, or mention that you have made certain accomplishments when it is not true. By his questions, the recruiter has a good chance of discovering the truth, and we. Very ill looking! Otherwise, our lies are likely to fall back on the nose eventually. Honest candidates are preferred, who, for example, will compensate for the lack of training by personal qualities or relevant experiences.

#6. Formulate Answers that are Neither too Short Nor too Long
Answering yes or no will not teach the person sitting in front of us much and will not encourage dialogue. We are always developing our answers a little, even if we feel that it is not necessary. On the contrary, we avoid the answers that do not end anymore: we risk losing the thread ... and the recruiter too! We, therefore, answer in a clear and concise way, neither more nor less!

#7. Remember that we are Worth our Weight in Gold!
We must avoid letting people believe that we would be ready to do anything, at any price! The job employer is searching for a person who will help him to perform certain tasks, not a slave! Even if we truly want this job, we keep in mind that we offer our services, we do not seek a favor.

#8. Think non-Verbal
Our bodies speak! A flabby handshake is one of the worst ways to start an interview. Never watching our vis-à-vis in the eyes also leaves a bad impression. "If a candidate constantly turns away the look, he suggests that he has something to hide," confirms Lucy Rodrigues. Stand upright, without constantly moving, not whispering or talking too loudly and having a firm handshake without being stiff are good ways to quickly inspire confidence.

#9. Expressing Interest
If you do not seem to want to be there, why would the employer believe that you really want to get the job? Also, he will feel that he is wasting his time. Do we want to get the job? We demonstrate our interest and enthusiasm.

#10. Do not Underestimate ... or Overestimate!
To boast that we succeed in everything we undertake and that no one is better than us to occupy the job may seem presumptuous. Or to tell an employer that he or she is wrong in an interview will not help either. One must not, however, fall into the other extreme by showing too much humility. We avoid statements such as I am not sure I am competent enough for this job. This would only demonstrate a lack of self-confidence and frighten our potential employer.

So many questions that can stress you during the job interview. We conducted the survey with various stakeholders to provide you with the best tips for the ideal attitude during your next interview

The winning attitude:
·         You have taken care to locate the place where you have RDV.
·         You wear an appropriate outfit.
·         You are proactive during the interview.
·         You have a measured ego, but stay dynamic and positive.

Eight notes Memos:
·         Do not forget to switch off your phone.
·         Avoid smoking before entering maintenance, the smell of cold tobacco is not pleasant to anyone.
·         Do not have chewing gum in your mouth.
·         Do not cross your arms or hands ... Have an open attitude.
·         Do not be too rigid.
·         Do not look at your shoes but the recruiter!
·         Stay measured, do not be arrogant, too sure of you.

End of Interview

At the end of the interview, do not forget to thank him, and ask him when and how you will resume contact. Feel free to address the issue of compensation if this has not been done during the interview. The recruiter will see an additional mark of interest for the job.

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